Merrimack director of hockey operations, longtime Plattsburgh men’s hockey coach Emery joins NHL’s Stars as amateur scout

Bob Emery spent 30 years behind the Plattsburgh bench (photo: Plattsburgh Athletics).

The NHL’s Dallas Stars have announced that Bob Emery has been hired as an amateur scout.

Emery had been serving as the director of hockey operations for Merrimack after 30 seasons as head coach at Plattsburgh from 1989 to 2019. He is fifth all-time in NCAA men’s hockey wins as a coach across both Division I and Division III.

At Plattsburgh, Emery went 624-215-65 and led the Cardinals to two NCAA Division III national championships in 1992 and 2001. Plattsburgh also won 16 SUNYAC championships and qualified for 18 NCAA tournaments, playing in the national semifinals 10 times.