Bemidji State 3, Alabama Huntsville 4 F OT1
CHA GameFriday, January 17, 2003 at Von Braun Center (Attendance: 2,835)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
BMJ | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | = 3 | 8 | 9 | 4 | 4 | = 25 | 5-10 | 1-6 |
ALH | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | = 4 | 10 | 14 | 11 | 4 | = 39 | 6-12 | 2-5 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
1 | -1 | Mike Funk | Karlis Zirnis | Jared Ross | 5x4 | 01:48 |
1 | BMJ-1 | Anders Olsson | Andrew Murray | Peter Jonsson | 5x3 | 04:02 |
1 | BMJ-2 | Riley Riddell | 18:52 | |||
2 | -2 | Mike Funk | Tyler Butler | Jared Ross | 5x3 | 03:45 |
2 | BMJ-3 | Anders Olsson | Bill Methven | Ryan Huddy | 09:15 | |
3 | -3 | Jared Ross | Karlis Zirnis | 03:40 | ||
4 | -4 | Craig Bushey | Jared Ross | Karlis Zirnis | 04:19 |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
No matching records found |
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Saves | |||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Goals Allowed | |
BMJ-1 | Grady Hunt (64:19 L) | 9 | 13 | 10 | 3 | = 35 | (4 GA) |
-1 | Mark Byrne (29:10 N) | 6 | 3 | = 9 | (3 GA) | ||
-2 | Scott Munroe (35:04 W) | 5 | 4 | 4 | = 13 | (0 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
Jared Ross | 1-3 = 4 | |
Karlis Zirnis | 0-3 = 3 | |
BMJ | Anders Olsson | 2-0 = 2 |
Mike Funk | 2-0 = 2 | |
BMJ | Riley Riddell | 1-0 = 1 |
BMJ | Peter Jonsson | 0-1 = 1 |
BMJ | Andrew Murray | 0-1 = 1 |
Tyler Butler | 0-1 = 1 | |
Craig Bushey | 1-0 = 1 | |
BMJ | Ryan Huddy | 0-1 = 1 |
BMJ | Bill Methven | 0-1 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
No matching records found |
Referee(s): Kevin Mullin
Asst. Referee(s): Jim Dewhurst, Doug Martinson
Asst. Referee(s): Jim Dewhurst, Doug Martinson
Box scores by — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.