Holy Cross 1, Bentley 2 F
MAAC GameSaturday, March 8, 2003 at John A. Ryan Skating Arena (Attendance: 300)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
HCR | 0 | 0 | 1 | = 1 | 10 | 11 | 13 | = 34 | 9-34 | 0-3 |
BEN | 1 | 1 | 0 | = 2 | 3 | 12 | 7 | = 22 | 4-16 | 1-7 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
1 | BEN-1 | Paul Markarian | Joe Lovell | Ryan Mayhew | 09:32 | |
2 | BEN-2 | Paul Markarian | Seth Vinocur | Joe Lovell | 5x4 | 09:13 |
3 | HCR-1 | Tim Bernstein | 05:11 |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
No matching records found |
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Saves | ||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | Goals Allowed | |
HCR-1 | Ben Conway (59:16 L) | 2 | 11 | 7 | = 20 | (2 GA) |
BEN-1 | Simon St. Pierre (60:00 W) | 10 | 11 | 12 | = 33 | (1 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
BEN | Joe Lovell | 0-2 = 2 |
BEN | Paul Markarian | 2-0 = 2 |
BEN | Ryan Mayhew | 0-1 = 1 |
BEN | Seth Vinocur | 0-1 = 1 |
HCR | Tim Bernstein | 1-0 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
No matching records found |
Referee(s): Joseph Mercadante
Asst. Referee(s): Tom Parece, Anthony Petone
Asst. Referee(s): Tom Parece, Anthony Petone
Box scores by USCHO.com — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.