Penn State 4, St. Lawrence 2 F
Non-Conference GameSaturday, October 1, 2022 at Appleton Arena (Attendance: 376)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
PSU | 0 | 2 | 2 | = 4 | 17 | 10 | 14 | = 41 | 4-8 | 1-2 |
STL | 0 | 1 | 1 | = 2 | 2 | 18 | 9 | = 29 | 2-4 | 0-4 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
2 | PSU-1 | Courtney Correia | Kiara Zanon | Olivia Wallin | 5x5 | 08:36 |
2 | STL-1 | Julia Gosling | Kristina Bahl | Melissa Jefferies | 4x5 | 13:16 |
2 | PSU-2 | Alyssa Machado | 5x5 | 18:32 | ||
3 | PSU-3 | Courtney Correia | Kendall Butze | Mallory Uihlein | GWG PPG5x4 | 01:25 |
3 | STL-2 | Abby Hustler | Shailynn Snow | Aly McLeod | 5x5 | 03:06 |
3 | PSU-4 | Courtney Correia | Kiara Zanon | ENG5x5 | 19:32 |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
1 | STL-1 | Morgan Giannone | 2 | INTERFERENCE | 13:60 |
2 | PSU-1 | Julie Gough | 2 | TRIPPING | 15:17 |
2 | PSU-2 | Kendall Butze | 2 | HOOKING | 19:02 |
3 | STL-2 | Abby Hustler | 2 | TRIPPING | 00:09 |
3 | PSU-3 | Kendall Butze | 2 | INTERFERENCE | 09:08 |
3 | PSU-4 | Alyssa Machado | 2 | SLASHING | 16:05 |
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Saves | ||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | Goals Allowed | |
PSU-1 | Josie Bothun (60:00 W) | 2 | 17 | 8 | = 27 | (2 GA) |
STL-1 | Lucy Morgan (59:01 L) | 17 | 8 | 12 | = 37 | (3 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
STL | Julia Gosling | 1-0 = 1 |
PSU | Courtney Correia | 3-0 = 3 |
STL | Shailynn Snow | 0-1 = 1 |
STL | Abby Hustler | 1-0 = 1 |
PSU | Olivia Wallin | 0-1 = 1 |
STL | Kristina Bahl | 0-1 = 1 |
STL | Melissa Jefferies | 0-1 = 1 |
PSU | Mallory Uihlein | 0-1 = 1 |
STL | Aly McLeod | 0-1 = 1 |
PSU | Kiara Zanon | 0-2 = 2 |
PSU | Kendall Butze | 0-1 = 1 |
PSU | Alyssa Machado | 1-0 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
STL | Abby Hustler | 1-2 |
STL | Morgan Giannone | 1-2 |
PSU | Julie Gough | 1-2 |
PSU | Kendall Butze | 2-4 |
PSU | Alyssa Machado | 1-2 |
Referee(s): Will O'Malley, Tom Lynch
Asst. Referee(s): Matthew White, Mike Verminski
Asst. Referee(s): Matthew White, Mike Verminski
Box scores by — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.
Player | G | A | PTS | SH Net/SH Tot | G% | +/- | Blocks | FO W/FO Tot |
Rene Gangarosa | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5/7 | 0% | 1 | 1 | 0/0 |
Courtney Correia | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4/6 | 50% | 2 | 0 | 0/0 |
Karley Garcia | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | -1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Carrie Byrnes | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Maeve Connolly | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | -1 | 0 | 1/2 |
Mya Vaslet | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2/2 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 8/16 |
Julie Gough | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5/5 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Olivia Wallin | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1/1 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Maddy Christian | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1/1 | 0% | -1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Tessa Janecke | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/6 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 8/16 |
Izzy Heminger | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1 | 0% | 1 | 1 | 0/0 |
Leah Stecker | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | -1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Mallory Uihlein | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2/5 | 0% | 0 | 2 | 0/0 |
Josie Bothun | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Katelyn Roberts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2/2 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Lyndie Lobdell | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4/6 | 0% | -1 | 1 | 0/0 |
Kiara Zanon | 0 | 2 | 2 | 6/8 | 0% | 1 | 1 | 14/22 |
Kendall Butze | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3/3 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Alyssa Machado | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2/4 | 25% | 2 | 0 | 0/0 |
Eleri MacKay | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1/2 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Total | 4 | 5 | 9 | 41/59 | 6.78% | 6 | 6 | 31/56 |
Player | G | A | PTS | SH Net/SH Tot | G% | +/- | Blocks | FO W/FO Tot |
Julia Gosling | 1 | 0 | 1 | 6/9 | 11.11% | -1 | 1 | 1/1 |
Gabi Jones | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Rachel Bjorgan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1/3 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Shailynn Snow | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1/2 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Kiley Mastel | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | -1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Kennedy Wilson | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/6 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 6/17 |
Abby Hustler | 1 | 0 | 1 | 6/9 | 11.11% | -1 | 2 | 0/0 |
Morgan Giannone | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1/1 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Katina Duscio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2/4 | 0% | -2 | 0 | 0/0 |
Hillary Sterling | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Kristina Bahl | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1/4 | 0% | 0 | 1 | 0/0 |
Melissa Jefferies | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0/1 | 0% | 1 | 1 | 0/0 |
Anna Segedi | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2/2 | 0% | -1 | 0 | 0/1 |
Chloé Puddifant | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1 | 0% | -1 | 1 | 0/1 |
Suyeon Eom | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0/1 |
Taylor Lum | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/5 | 0% | -2 | 0 | 7/18 |
Aly McLeod | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2/2 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 11/17 |
Laura Cote | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Rachel Teslak | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1/1 | 0% | 1 | 0 | 0/0 |
Lucy Morgan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 | 0/0 |
Total | 2 | 4 | 6 | 29/51 | 3.92% | -6 | 6 | 25/56 |
G = Goals
A = Assists
PTS = Total Points
SH Net = Shots On Net
SH TOT = Total Shots Attempted
G% = Scoring percentage per shot attempted
+/- = Plus Minus
Blocks = Shots blocked by the player
FO W = Faceoff Wins
FO TOT = Faceoff Attempts
A = Assists
PTS = Total Points
SH Net = Shots On Net
SH TOT = Total Shots Attempted
G% = Scoring percentage per shot attempted
+/- = Plus Minus
Blocks = Shots blocked by the player
FO W = Faceoff Wins
FO TOT = Faceoff Attempts
Line Num | Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 |
F1 | LW: Katelyn Roberts | C: Mya Vaslet | RW: Alyssa Machado |
F2 | LW: Eleri MacKay | C: Kiara Zanon | RW: Olivia Wallin |
F3 | LW: Courtney Correia | C: Tessa Janecke | RW: Julie Gough |
F4 | LW: Maddy Christian | C: Maeve Connolly | RW: Leah Stecker |
D1 | LD: Kendall Butze | RD: Izzy Heminger | G: Josie Bothun |
D2 | LD: Rene Gangarosa | RD: Mallory Uihlein | G: Katie DeSa |
D3 | LD: Lyndie Lobdell | RD: Karley Garcia | G: |
D4 | LD: | RD: | G: |
Line Num | Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 |
F1 | LW: Julia Gosling | C: Kennedy Wilson | RW: Anna Segedi |
F2 | LW: Rachel Bjorgan | C: Taylor Lum | RW: Hillary Sterling |
F4 | LW: Laura Cote | C: Morgan Giannone | RW: Gabi Jones |
D1 | LD: Kristina Bahl | RD: Melissa Jefferies | G: Lucy Morgan |
D2 | LD: Katina Duscio | RD: Suyeon Eom | G: Caitlin Whitehead |
Period | Number | Play |
P3 | 417 | [20:00] End of Game |
P3 | 414 | [00:00] End of Period |
P3 | 413 | [00:07] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson OFFTARGET |
P3 | 412 | [00:13] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 411 | [00:13] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler BLOCKED |
P3 | 410 | [00:24] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P3 | 409 | [00:24] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 408 | [00:24] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 407 | [00:28] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P3 | 406 | [00:28] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 405 | [00:28] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 404 | [00:28] A: by Kiara Zanon on PSU-4 S: Courtney Correia |
P3 | 402 | [00:28] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia ONTARGET |
P3 | 401 | [00:28] GOAL Courtney Correia ENG HAT |
P3 | 399 | [01:14] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P3 | 398 | [01:14] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 397 | [01:14] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 396 | [01:14] TIMEOUT STL |
P3 | 395 | [01:14] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 394 | [01:14] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa ONTARGET |
P3 | 393 | [01:55] END of POWER PLAY STL |
P3 | 392 | [02:33] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 391 | [02:33] SHOT STL by Rachel Bjorgan ONTARGET |
P3 | 390 | [02:51] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa |
P3 | 389 | [02:51] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler BLOCKED |
P3 | 388 | [03:24] FACEOFF WON STL by Julia Gosling |
P3 | 387 | [03:24] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 386 | [03:24] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 385 | [03:24] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 384 | [03:24] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P3 | 382 | [03:40] SHOT STL by Kristina Bahl OFFTARGET |
P3 | 381 | [03:55] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 380 | [03:55] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 379 | [03:55] START of POWER PLAY STL |
P3 | 377 | [03:55] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 376 | [03:55] PENALTY PSU-4 SLASHING on Alyssa Machado |
P3 | 375 | [04:09] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 374 | [04:09] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P3 | 373 | [04:09] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 372 | [04:09] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 371 | [04:09] SHOT STL by Aly McLeod ONTARGET |
P3 | 370 | [04:24] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke OFFTARGET |
P3 | 369 | [04:27] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 368 | [04:27] SHOT PSU by Julie Gough ONTARGET |
P3 | 367 | [05:28] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P3 | 366 | [05:28] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 365 | [05:28] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 364 | [06:27] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 363 | [06:27] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa ONTARGET |
P3 | 362 | [06:33] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 361 | [06:33] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa ONTARGET |
P3 | 360 | [07:20] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 359 | [07:20] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 358 | [07:20] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 357 | [07:20] TIMEOUT MEDIA |
P3 | 356 | [07:20] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling OFFTARGET |
P3 | 355 | [07:27] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 354 | [07:27] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P3 | 353 | [07:40] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein |
P3 | 352 | [07:40] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling BLOCKED |
P3 | 351 | [07:51] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 350 | [07:51] SHOT PSU by Alyssa Machado ONTARGET |
P3 | 349 | [07:54] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 348 | [07:54] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P3 | 347 | [07:57] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 346 | [07:57] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P3 | 345 | [08:25] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 344 | [08:25] SHOT STL by Taylor Lum ONTARGET |
P3 | 343 | [08:52] END of POWER PLAY STL |
P3 | 342 | [08:56] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P3 | 341 | [08:56] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P3 | 340 | [08:56] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 339 | [08:56] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 338 | [08:56] SHOT STL by Morgan Giannone ONTARGET |
P3 | 337 | [10:52] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 336 | [10:52] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 335 | [10:52] START of POWER PLAY STL |
P3 | 333 | [10:52] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 332 | [10:52] PENALTY PSU-3 INTERFERENCE on Kendall Butze |
P3 | 331 | [11:38] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 330 | [11:38] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 329 | [11:38] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 328 | [11:39] SHOT STL by Shailynn Snow OFFTARGET |
P3 | 327 | [11:48] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 326 | [11:48] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 325 | [11:48] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 324 | [11:48] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 323 | [11:48] SHOT STL by Anna Segedi ONTARGET |
P3 | 322 | [11:57] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Hillary Sterling |
P3 | 321 | [11:57] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa BLOCKED |
P3 | 320 | [12:12] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 319 | [12:12] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa ONTARGET |
P3 | 318 | [13:43] SHOT STL by Katina Duscio OFFTARGET |
P3 | 317 | [14:05] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 316 | [14:05] SHOT PSU by Julie Gough ONTARGET |
P3 | 315 | [15:06] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P3 | 314 | [15:06] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 313 | [15:06] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 312 | [16:52] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 311 | [16:52] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke ONTARGET |
P3 | 310 | [16:54] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 309 | [16:54] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 308 | [16:54] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 307 | [16:54] A: by Aly McLeod on STL-2 S: Abby Hustler |
P3 | 306 | [16:54] A: by Shailynn Snow on STL-2 S: Abby Hustler |
P3 | 305 | [16:54] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P3 | 304 | [16:54] GOAL Abby Hustler |
P3 | 302 | [17:48] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 301 | [17:48] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P3 | 300 | [18:28] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P3 | 299 | [18:28] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P3 | 298 | [18:28] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 297 | [18:32] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P3 | 296 | [18:32] SHOT STL by Taylor Lum ONTARGET |
P3 | 295 | [18:35] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P3 | 294 | [18:35] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P3 | 293 | [18:35] END of POWER PLAY PSU |
P3 | 292 | [18:35] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 291 | [18:35] A: by Mallory Uihlein on PSU-3 S: Courtney Correia |
P3 | 290 | [18:35] A: by Kendall Butze on PSU-3 S: Courtney Correia |
P3 | 289 | [18:35] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia ONTARGET |
P3 | 288 | [18:35] GOAL Courtney Correia PPG GWG |
P3 | 287 | [18:58] START of POWER PLAY PSU |
P3 | 285 | [19:28] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P3 | 284 | [19:28] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P3 | 283 | [19:51] FACEOFF LOST STL by Anna Segedi |
P3 | 282 | [19:51] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 281 | [19:51] END of POWER PLAY STL |
P3 | 280 | [19:51] FACEOFF by |
P3 | 279 | [19:51] PENALTY STL-2 TRIPPING on Abby Hustler |
P3 | 278 | [20:00] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P3 | 277 | [20:00] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P3 | 276 | [20:00] Start of Period |
P3 | 275 | [20:00] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 274 | [00:00] End of Period |
P2 | 273 | [00:26] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 272 | [00:26] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P2 | 271 | [00:45] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling OFFTARGET |
P2 | 270 | [00:58] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 269 | [00:58] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P2 | 268 | [00:58] START of POWER PLAY STL |
P2 | 266 | [00:58] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 265 | [00:58] PENALTY PSU-2 HOOKING on Kendall Butze |
P2 | 264 | [01:19] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 263 | [01:19] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P2 | 262 | [01:28] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 261 | [01:28] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 260 | [01:28] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 259 | [01:28] SHOT PSU by Alyssa Machado ONTARGET |
P2 | 258 | [01:28] GOAL Alyssa Machado |
P2 | 257 | [01:38] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 256 | [01:38] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 255 | [01:38] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 254 | [01:42] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 253 | [01:42] SHOT STL by Taylor Lum ONTARGET |
P2 | 252 | [01:53] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 251 | [01:53] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell ONTARGET |
P2 | 250 | [01:56] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P2 | 249 | [01:56] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 248 | [01:56] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 247 | [02:11] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa |
P2 | 246 | [02:11] SHOT STL by Melissa Jefferies BLOCKED |
P2 | 245 | [02:16] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P2 | 244 | [02:16] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 243 | [02:16] TIMEOUT PSU |
P2 | 242 | [02:16] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 241 | [02:39] SHOT STL by Katina Duscio OFFTARGET |
P2 | 240 | [02:45] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia |
P2 | 239 | [02:43] END of POWER PLAY STL |
P2 | 238 | [02:45] SHOT STL by Kristina Bahl BLOCKED |
P2 | 237 | [02:55] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 236 | [02:55] SHOT STL by Katina Duscio ONTARGET |
P2 | 235 | [02:57] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 234 | [02:57] SHOT STL by Katina Duscio ONTARGET |
P2 | 233 | [03:22] SHOT STL by Rachel Bjorgan OFFTARGET |
P2 | 232 | [03:33] SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein OFFTARGET |
P2 | 231 | [04:24] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 230 | [04:24] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P2 | 229 | [04:38] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 228 | [04:38] SHOT STL by Rachel Teslak ONTARGET |
P2 | 227 | [04:43] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 226 | [04:43] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 225 | [04:43] START of POWER PLAY STL |
P2 | 223 | [04:43] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 222 | [04:43] PENALTY PSU-1 TRIPPING on Julie Gough |
P2 | 221 | [04:43] GOALTENDER CHANGE Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 217 | [04:56] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler OFFTARGET |
P2 | 216 | [05:40] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 215 | [05:40] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P2 | 214 | [05:40] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 213 | [05:41] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 212 | [05:41] SHOT PSU by Julie Gough ONTARGET |
P2 | 211 | [05:45] SHOT STL by Taylor Lum OFFTARGET |
P2 | 210 | [06:44] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P2 | 209 | [06:44] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 208 | [06:44] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 207 | [06:44] A: by Melissa Jefferies on STL-1 S: Julia Gosling |
P2 | 206 | [06:44] A: by Kristina Bahl on STL-1 S: Julia Gosling |
P2 | 205 | [06:44] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P2 | 204 | [06:44] GOAL Julia Gosling |
P2 | 203 | [07:10] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 202 | [07:10] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson ONTARGET |
P2 | 201 | [07:15] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 200 | [07:15] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson ONTARGET |
P2 | 199 | [07:18] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 198 | [07:18] SHOT STL by Shailynn Snow ONTARGET |
P2 | 197 | [07:37] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 196 | [07:37] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Maeve Connolly |
P2 | 195 | [07:37] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 194 | [07:38] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 193 | [07:38] SHOT PSU by Kendall Butze ONTARGET |
P2 | 192 | [08:01] SHOT STL by Suyeon Eom OFFTARGET |
P2 | 191 | [08:18] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 190 | [08:18] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 189 | [08:18] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 188 | [08:18] TIMEOUT MEDIA |
P2 | 187 | [08:21] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 186 | [08:21] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P2 | 185 | [09:34] SHOT STL by Rachel Bjorgan OFFTARGET |
P2 | 184 | [10:13] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 183 | [10:13] SHOT PSU by Katelyn Roberts ONTARGET |
P2 | 182 | [10:23] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 181 | [10:23] SHOT STL by Anna Segedi ONTARGET |
P2 | 180 | [10:40] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 179 | [10:40] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell ONTARGET |
P2 | 178 | [10:48] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 177 | [10:48] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 176 | [10:48] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 175 | [10:59] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 174 | [10:59] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 173 | [10:59] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 172 | [11:20] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 171 | [11:20] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P2 | 170 | [11:24] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P2 | 169 | [11:24] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 168 | [11:24] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 167 | [11:24] A: by Olivia Wallin on PSU-1 S: Courtney Correia |
P2 | 166 | [11:24] A: by Kiara Zanon on PSU-1 S: Courtney Correia |
P2 | 165 | [11:24] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia ONTARGET |
P2 | 164 | [11:24] GOAL Courtney Correia |
P2 | 163 | [12:47] SHOT PSU by Alyssa Machado OFFTARGET |
P2 | 162 | [12:56] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell OFFTARGET |
P2 | 161 | [13:12] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Rachel Teslak |
P2 | 160 | [13:12] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell BLOCKED |
P2 | 159 | [14:07] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P2 | 158 | [14:07] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 157 | [14:07] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 156 | [14:07] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 155 | [14:07] SHOT PSU by Olivia Wallin ONTARGET |
P2 | 154 | [15:08] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 153 | [15:08] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P2 | 152 | [15:08] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 151 | [15:08] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 150 | [15:08] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P2 | 149 | [15:19] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 148 | [15:19] SHOT STL by Kristina Bahl ONTARGET |
P2 | 147 | [15:59] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 146 | [15:59] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P2 | 145 | [15:59] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 144 | [16:29] SHOT STL by Taylor Lum OFFTARGET |
P2 | 143 | [17:19] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P2 | 142 | [17:19] SHOT PSU by Maddy Christian ONTARGET |
P2 | 141 | [18:43] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 140 | [18:43] SHOT STL by Aly McLeod ONTARGET |
P2 | 139 | [18:51] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 138 | [18:51] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P2 | 137 | [18:58] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P2 | 136 | [18:58] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P2 | 135 | [18:58] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 134 | [18:58] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P2 | 133 | [18:58] SHOT STL by Abby Hustler ONTARGET |
P2 | 132 | [19:38] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 131 | [19:38] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 130 | [19:38] FACEOFF by |
P2 | 129 | [20:00] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P2 | 128 | [20:00] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P2 | 127 | [20:00] Start of Period |
P2 | 126 | [20:00] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 125 | [00:00] End of Period |
P1 | 124 | [00:23] FACEOFF LOST STL by Aly McLeod |
P1 | 123 | [00:23] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 122 | [00:23] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 121 | [00:27] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 120 | [00:27] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell ONTARGET |
P1 | 119 | [00:54] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson OFFTARGET |
P1 | 118 | [01:03] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Anna Segedi |
P1 | 117 | [01:03] SHOT PSU by Izzy Heminger BLOCKED |
P1 | 116 | [01:52] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Suyeon Eom |
P1 | 115 | [01:52] SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein BLOCKED |
P1 | 114 | [01:59] SHOT PSU by Eleri MacKay OFFTARGET |
P1 | 113 | [02:08] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Suyeon Eom |
P1 | 112 | [02:08] SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein BLOCKED |
P1 | 111 | [02:55] SHOT STL by Kristina Bahl OFFTARGET |
P1 | 110 | [03:33] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 109 | [03:33] SHOT PSU by Katelyn Roberts ONTARGET |
P1 | 108 | [03:33] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 107 | [03:33] SHOT PSU by Mya Vaslet ONTARGET |
P1 | 106 | [04:00] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 105 | [04:00] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 104 | [04:00] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 103 | [04:00] END of POWER PLAY PSU |
P1 | 102 | [04:03] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P1 | 101 | [04:03] SHOT STL by Julia Gosling ONTARGET |
P1 | 100 | [04:29] FACEOFF LOST STL by Chloé Puddifant |
P1 | 99 | [04:29] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P1 | 98 | [04:29] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 97 | [04:29] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 96 | [04:29] SHOT PSU by Julie Gough ONTARGET |
P1 | 94 | [04:39] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 93 | [04:39] SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein ONTARGET |
P1 | 92 | [05:05] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 91 | [05:05] FACEOFF WON PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P1 | 90 | [05:05] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 89 | [05:09] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa OFFTARGET |
P1 | 88 | [05:49] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 87 | [05:49] SHOT PSU by Rene Gangarosa ONTARGET |
P1 | 86 | [06:00] FACEOFF LOST STL by Suyeon Eom |
P1 | 85 | [06:00] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 84 | [06:00] START of POWER PLAY PSU |
P1 | 82 | [06:00] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 81 | [06:00] PENALTY STL-1 INTERFERENCE on Morgan Giannone |
P1 | 80 | [06:20] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia ONPIPE |
P1 | 79 | [07:23] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 78 | [07:23] SHOT PSU by Lyndie Lobdell ONTARGET |
P1 | 77 | [07:30] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 76 | [07:30] FACEOFF WON PSU by Maeve Connolly |
P1 | 75 | [07:30] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 74 | [07:40] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 73 | [07:40] SHOT PSU by Mallory Uihlein ONTARGET |
P1 | 72 | [08:05] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 71 | [08:05] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 70 | [08:05] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 69 | [08:11] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 68 | [08:11] SHOT PSU by Julie Gough ONTARGET |
P1 | 67 | [08:19] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon OFFTARGET |
P1 | 66 | [08:24] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 65 | [08:24] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 64 | [08:24] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 63 | [08:24] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 62 | [08:24] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon ONTARGET |
P1 | 61 | [08:54] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 60 | [08:54] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia ONTARGET |
P1 | 59 | [09:17] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 58 | [09:17] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke ONTARGET |
P1 | 57 | [09:48] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 56 | [09:48] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P1 | 55 | [09:48] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 54 | [09:48] TIMEOUT MEDIA |
P1 | 53 | [11:31] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P1 | 52 | [11:31] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 51 | [11:31] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 50 | [11:35] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke OFFTARGET |
P1 | 49 | [12:53] BLOCKED SHOT PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 48 | [12:53] SHOT STL by Chloé Puddifant BLOCKED |
P1 | 47 | [13:18] FACEOFF WON STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 46 | [13:18] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 45 | [13:18] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 44 | [13:18] SAVE PSU by Josie Bothun |
P1 | 43 | [13:18] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson ONTARGET |
P1 | 42 | [13:28] SHOT STL by Kennedy Wilson OFFTARGET |
P1 | 41 | [13:56] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 40 | [13:56] SHOT PSU by Kendall Butze ONTARGET |
P1 | 39 | [14:18] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 38 | [14:18] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 37 | [14:18] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 36 | [14:38] FACEOFF WON STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 35 | [14:38] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 34 | [14:38] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 33 | [14:39] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke OFFTARGET |
P1 | 32 | [15:20] FACEOFF WON STL by Aly McLeod |
P1 | 31 | [15:20] FACEOFF LOST PSU by Tessa Janecke |
P1 | 30 | [15:20] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 29 | [15:51] SHOT PSU by Alyssa Machado OFFTARGET |
P1 | 28 | [15:55] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 27 | [15:55] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 26 | [15:55] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 25 | [15:55] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 24 | [15:55] SHOT PSU by Mya Vaslet ONTARGET |
P1 | 23 | [16:42] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 22 | [16:42] SHOT PSU by Kendall Butze ONTARGET |
P1 | 21 | [17:04] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 20 | [17:04] SHOT PSU by Eleri MacKay ONTARGET |
P1 | 19 | [17:35] BLOCKED SHOT STL by Kristina Bahl |
P1 | 18 | [17:35] SHOT PSU by Kiara Zanon BLOCKED |
P1 | 17 | [17:46] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 16 | [17:46] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 15 | [17:46] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 14 | [18:03] SHOT PSU by Courtney Correia OFFTARGET |
P1 | 13 | [18:08] SAVE STL by Lucy Morgan |
P1 | 12 | [18:08] SHOT PSU by Tessa Janecke ONTARGET |
P1 | 11 | [19:14] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 10 | [19:14] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 9 | [19:14] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 8 | [19:31] FACEOFF LOST STL by Taylor Lum |
P1 | 7 | [19:31] FACEOFF WON PSU by Mya Vaslet |
P1 | 6 | [19:31] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 5 | [20:00] FACEOFF LOST STL by Kennedy Wilson |
P1 | 4 | [20:00] FACEOFF WON PSU by Kiara Zanon |
P1 | 3 | [20:00] Start of Period |
P1 | 2 | [20:00] FACEOFF by |
P1 | 1 | [20:00] Start of Game |
P0 | 416 | [00:00] participated |
P0 | 415 | [20:00] participated |